Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Hello lovelies! Today's post is inspired by both my utterly rubbish day, and one of my favourite regular magazine features - the 'Hey, it's OK...' page from Glamour magazine. Today was one of those fine, magnificent days when everything that could possibly go wrong, did. It begun with a rather abrupt awakening this morning, when the lamp that rests on the shelf above my bed decided to launch itself down on top of me,(you know you've had a crazy day when you start personifying furniture) and it ended with a terrible mock driving test in which I managed to get two 'serious' marks and one 'dangerous'...oops.

Potential road accidents aside, i'll get to the point of this rambly little post. Although I do greatly appreciate all the good things in my life, every now and then, I think it's acceptable to wallow in self pity for a short period of time. It's ok to take a little bit of time to feel sorry for yourself and be a tiny bit selfish. 
So tonight, instead of starting the essays that are due in a few days time, or tidying my floordrobe, I made a bit of time to feel sorry for myself. I changed into my pyjamas, put the kettle on, and curled up on the sofa with my favourite magazines to cheer myself up. I know, I know, wild. Afterwards though, I felt a lot happier, and after ringing my best friend, actually saw the funny side of my ridiculous day.
I wrote this post as a little reminder to myself, and to you if you want, to realise that it's ok that things in life go wrong sometimes, and it's ok to feel a bit rubbish because of them. If you've had a rubbish day, why not make yourself a cup of tea, stick on your favourite film and have a bit of 'you' time? I hope you don't mind these ramblings, and i'll leave you with a few of my favourite Glamour quotes to cheer you up if you do!

Hey, it's OK...
  • if you hug your dog in the morning before hugging your human
  • that your first "I love you" to him was when you accidentally ended a phone call with: "Love you, bye"  
  • to start eating your takeaway the second you walk out the restaurant
  • to ask everyone you know for advice - then ignore them all and go with your gut
Sara x




  1. Ahhh I love Company! And I totallyyy feel the same way, I have so much to do but today I just couldn't do it. You made me feel better!

    Greta xoxo

    1. same, it's my favourite magazine! I'm glad I could help, thank you for the lovely comment! xo

  2. I'm so sorry you had such a horrible day, and it is fine to wallow in self-pity sometimes. As long as you snap back to reality and realize that you could be in Mali or Syria or any other horrible hell of a shithole at the moment and how wonderful your life really is quick enough.

    Also, if it makes you feel any better, the first time my first boyfriend told me how he really felt about me over the phone (or at least that's what we were talking about and what I assumed he went on to say), I fell asleep on him. He got super-mad. It was awkward.

    1. I completely agree. Thank you for the lovely comment, it made me laugh x

  3. I love that feature in Glamour too, and I definitely agree with asking lots of people for advice but going with your gut feeling anyway, it's something I do quite regularly haha. xo

  4. love your blog!
    i follow you now, kiss*

  5. Very nice blog! Wanna follow each other? ❤

  6. I love the hey it's ok section in Glamour, it always makes me laugh at how true they are x

  7. This is such a lovely post, it made me smile (:


  8. Great post girl.

    xx Mounia

  9. aw this post was so sweet! Love this feature in glamour.
    I'm glad that your day ended better than it started x

  10. I just love this post, it made me smile :) Great blog, happy to be your 5th follower!

  11. This made me smile :) I can definetely say the dog one is true for me!!


  12. Really love this post. Great quotes from glamour. Such a lovely cup and saucer. xxxx Im your newest follower xxxxx

  13. Thank you for following my blog:)followed yours too.
    Oh and in reply to your comment on my Outfit post, I got my bowler hat for £10 from H&M a while ago. But you can also get some on Ebay for like £8 :) xx

    1. I really like your blog, you're very welcome! Thank you for the tip x

  14. There's nothing more helpful than a great quote at times! I need to start writing my favourites down.. xx

    1. good idea, i'm sure a little book of inspiration would be very handy at times! xx

  15. Loads of things go wrong in my life everyday, but I just try and forget about them. I would love it if you checked my blog ou, I am also 12 years old :)

    Thanks xxx

  16. Love that shirt! A really cute outfit. :)

    My latest post ** FAB Goes to London **
    Lots of love, M


thank you for your lovely comments, i read and appreciate each one. If you comment i'll definitely check out your blog, however i'm not interested in following only for a follow back xo

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