Sunday, 23 October 2016


I’ll let you into a secret.

I love Autumn. I love icy winds. I love sitting inside and hearing torrents of rain running off the awning of a coffee shop. I love walking home after work with a quickened pace, hands shoved deep into woollen coat pockets. Summer is sticky, hot, and sweat-inducing. Autumn is like the cooler older sibling you’re outwardly resentful of, when deep down, you’re fascinated by their every move. 

Every year, I find myself joining in with the majority of the public and ranting about the quick turnaround of our good old British weather system. Handing over change at a shop till, riding a lift up a few floors - the conversations are all the same. “Eugh, where did summer go?” “Bloody hell it’s a bit frosty isn’t it, I practically had my barbeque out a few days ago” – you get the gist. Moaning about the shit weather is an act of camaraderie. Truth is though, I just don't agree. 

I get the arguments against it, I really do. Having to go outside for a cigarette at 8pm with the wind whipping against your cheeks is punishment enough for smoking. Not being able to nip to the corner shop without at least 7 layers and visions of Rose from Titanic balancing perilously close to her icy grave can be a bit of a buzzkill. Regardless, I just can’t get enough of crunchy leaves, being swaddled in a scarf and the feeling of pure unadulterated joy when someone offers you a cup of hot tea.

Polo neck – Zara | Flared trousers – Zara | Shoes – Nike Air Force I | Coat – Missguided | Earrings – Topshop

This outfit, for me, is the perfect autumnal choice. This camel coloured Zara polo neck is a recent purchase, and so comfy that I fear it might have to be surgically removed from my body. Part of the same shopping spree, these flared black trousers are the perfect mix of pizzazz and comfort, and my trusty Missguided long line black coat is an actual lifesaver. It goes with everything and it feels like a blanket – what more could I possibly need?

As you may or may not know, I’m currently gallivanting around London. I’m here for a month as an Editorial Intern at Esquire magazine, and so far I’m loving it. My bank balance has substantially depleted since my arrival, but my happiness levels are on the up. The fact that there is ALWAYS something interesting to do in London is such a bonus. I’ve already found myself drinking a little too much and eating out a little too often, but I’m having a merry old time, so who cares?

To keep up to date with my antics, follow me on Instagram or Twitter

Sara x


  1. This is such a cool outfit and we love the look of all the loose and flowy items of clothing - especially the jumper :)
    Feel free to check out our latest post x


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