Wednesday, 12 April 2017


When a colleague of mine recently asked what my dream job was, I replied with the same blanket answer I always roll out when talking to someone who doesn’t know their Dazed from their Pick Me Up – ‘journalism.’ I got the same predictable response I always do, which invariably starts with the words ‘dying trade’ and ends with the recommendation that I look into a more ‘safe’ job like teaching.
I usually smile, nod and try not to stab them with the nearest sharp object. If I’m feeling particularly energetic, I’ll mutter some response about how people will always want to learn about music, art, culture and news some way or another. The thing I don’t, but often wish I could say is; “actually, did you know there’s a whole sub-culture bubbling up from the people who’ve been forced to make things work for themselves? There’s a DIY culture emerging from my generation reminiscent of decades ago, when people first rebelled from the big shiny corporations, the family fiat and the house with the white picket fence surrounding it, and it is BLOODY EXCITING.”
I don’t say it, because a) I’d get nothing more than a bemused look in return and b) I feel like this female-led DIY culture is something sacred. The podcasts, zines and web shows made by 3 girls in their pokey little London flat are symbols that even in a (let’s be honest), kind of shitty time, people of our age are still managing to make things happen. Good things happen. Cool things happen. And they’re not waiting for anyone else’s permission to do it. Why wait for the approval of an Editor when you can print that think piece yourself?  It’s exciting, and proof that no matter what happens, the journalism industry will survive – it just might have a DIY makeover.
The below zines are all created by artists, creators, and importantly – kick ass women with a vision. They’re full to the brim with fresh ideas and conversation, and THANK HEAVENS ABOVE - there’s no clickbait in sight.

 Sister Magazine
Sister Magazine is a bi-annual feminist publication, and its creators believe that all issues are women’s issues. Preach. The zine was created by Beccy Hill in her third year of University, and is now on its 6th issue. You can grab the latest copy, ‘The Strong Issue,’ here.

Girls Club
Georgia Murray created Girls Club as part of her MA Final Project, and it’s been rolling on ever since. This zine is full of poetry, creative writing, illustrations and think pieces – and it’s the first zine I bought. Recently joining Georgia is Deputy Ed Aimee-Lee Abraham, and the girls are now preparing for the release of their fourth issue (included in which there’s a little something from yours truly). Pre-order here.

Grrrl In Print
An offshoot from the brilliant Grrrl Zine Fair, a not for profit organisation which hosts workshops, gigs, zine fairs and all sorts, In Print is their first DIY zine with contributions from bands, artists and other zines. Grrrl Zine Fair is such a cool idea, and I love the fact they pride themselves on inclusivity. Zine happiness for all here.

Sunday Girl
The brainchild of Abby Dennison, Sunday Girl is a zine I stumbled across randomly this year when browsing in a newsagents in London on my lunch hour. I was enticed by its claim to be “an independent fashion magazine for intellectual, creative and ambitious girls,” and bought and read the whole copy within about 40 minutes. One of my fave zines, the content is relatable, interesting and SO beautifully presented. Grab Issue 4 here.

 Hope you enjoy reading these zines as much as I do, and let me know which ones you like too.

S x

1 comment

thank you for your lovely comments, i read and appreciate each one. If you comment i'll definitely check out your blog, however i'm not interested in following only for a follow back xo

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